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Val di Strino - Malga Mezzolo - Bait del Vedeler

This route is simple. Either the Val di Strino, ( 1 h and 15 min.) the Mezzolo farm ( 2 h 15 min.) or the Bait del Vedeler ( 3 h) can all be our destination as each of the places mentioned has its own characteristic beauty. We start by taking the dirt road which from the S. Bartolomeo Hospice goes to Fort Mero. Descending the typically shrubbery that distinguished the Tonale gives way to conifers which, patiently over time, are reclaiming the prairies that man has abandoned. Leaving the fort, we continue in descent towards the wild and charming Val di Strino, where we'll hear cowbells in the distance. Along the way we'll almost certainly be entertained by squirrels or some of the other inhabitants of the woods; we continue by taking the dirt road that goes to the Strino farm. We will however descend briefly for a bit to take a small detour to the left in order to cross the Strino stream. Crossing the bridge we reach the “masi di Strino” - typical alpine manor farms - uphill from the pasture, taking the dirt road which, climbing by switchbacks, will take us to the Malga Mezzolo farm at mt.1857. This building is located in an oasis of green, in which in the past man lived and worked in symbiosis with the animals. Now, after a break, it's worth venturing to the Bait del Vedeler, the road becomes a trail and slopes up into the woods. After about half an hour, suddenly, the vegetation gives way to a manor farm that seems have been take out of a fairy tale. The way back is along the same route.

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Sporting Hotel

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